Solo el 10% de los países han establecido algún tipo de criterio fiscal específico en relación con compensaciones adicionales o la cobertura de costes vinculadas al teletrabajo que las empresas pueden abonar a sus empleados por el hecho de teletrabajar total o parcialmente, a pesar de que muchos estudios estiman que el teletrabajo supone ya […]

The current cost-of-living crisis has wide-reaching implications for employers and employees. Here Ius Laboris lawyers in a range of countries explore issues relating to pension schemes, and to employees working from another country. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

According to reports, South Africa has the widest income gap in the world. This income equality demands a commitment to transparency, collaboration and empowerment. In addition to the country’s current laws and legal developments that address this gap, further laws and regulations around pay transparency are predicted to be announced in the coming years. Accede […]

Las empresas que se expanden en Marruecos deben establecer una subsidiaria en el país para seguir trabajando. Este proceso puede tomar algunas semanas o algunos meses, y tiene muchas tarifas en todos los pasos que involucra. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: G-P Global Made Possible

Following the measure implemented by the Department of Home Affairs in January 2022 for all long-term visa applications (for durations of stay 90 days and over) to be adjudicated in Pretoria instead of the South African consular posts, there has been a backlog of applications and significant processing delays due to staff shortages. Accede al CONTENIDO completo […]

The South African cabinet announced changes to Adjusted Alert Level 1 on 31 January 2022, effective immediately. From 31 January this year, persons who test positive for COVID-19, but are non-symptomatic, need not isolate. Anyone presenting with symptoms of COVID-19 must isolate for seven days. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie