How does telework affect what employers in the EU need to take into account when they employ frontier workers? Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

El 13 de marzo de 2021 se publicó en el BOE el Acuerdo International en materia de fiscalidad y protección de los intereses financieros entre el Reino de España y el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte en relación con Gibraltar (el Acuerdo), que entró en vigor el 4 de marzo de […]

Foreign organisations that decide to hire employees in Spain often choose to do so using an umbrella company or professional employer organisation to speed up the process before setting up local companies. However, this involves serious liability risks. The legal situation differs in other countries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

The Authorization of stay for studies allows you to study a university degree, conduct research, obtain an intermediate degree or higher education in design, art, languages or sports. You can apply for it at the Spanish consular office in your country of origin or directly in Spain. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Duguech & Dip

🇪🇪 A recent policy change in Estonia now allows the families of foreign specialists to enter the country at the same time as the primary relocating talent. Before this amendment, family members had to wait until the relocating employee got their residence permit. 🇪🇪 Our Estonian Global Mobility Lead Killu Vantsi recently spoke about talent relocation during Covid-19. You […]