Outlined below are the main changes which took effect from 31 January 2024. The amendments are anticipated to be part of a series of measures aimed at creating more flexibility to short-term mobility, with further announcements to come later in the year. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Santa Fe Relocation

On 7 December 2023, the UK government published a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 246) in relation to the country’s Visitor Rules, Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) and EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS), among others. These developments are aimed at enabling the UK government and companies to attract global talent while controlling net migration. […]

On Monday 4 December, the Home Secretary announced a plan aiming to cut migration levels and curb abuse of the immigration system. The government has stated that this is expected to result in the largest ever reduction in net migration to the UK, meaning around 300,000 people who came to the UK last year would […]

As of 31 March 2023, the Home Office updated the guidance regarding sponsor duties and compliance, and incorporated additional reporting duties in the “change of work location” category to include remote and hybrid working patterns. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: AGS Global Solutions