As we begin to take tentative steps out of the pandemic, one of the ways in which life feels like it has changed is that there has been a real moment of pause and reflection. With two-thirds of businesses planning to increase their diversity and inclusion activities, many global mobility (GM) departments are now looking […]

Situated in the heart of Europe, Austria is well known for its grand architecture, famous composers and scenic ski resorts. With its historic cities and breathtaking scenery, Austria is often cited as one of the best places to live as an expat. Vienna and Salzburg are magnets for culture vultures and the mountains are a […]

Desde sus ruinas antiguas y su rico patrimonio cultural hasta su belleza escénica y su gente hospitalaria, Grecia es un destino de expatriados fascinante y emocionante. Situado en la encrucijada de Europa y Asia, es un país de contrastes, desde sus modernas y bulliciosas ciudades de Atenas y Tesalónica hasta sus islas y ciudades costeras, […]

Una nación de contrastes, Israel está profundamente arraigada en la historia y acelera hacia el futuro. Aunque no es el destino de expatriados más convencional, el país tiene una gran belleza que espera ser descubierta, sin mencionar las abundantes oportunidades para avanzar en su carrera. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

Switzerland is a land of picturesque beauty and Alpine charm. Consistently ranked as one of the best destinations for expats, this wealthy country is acclaimed for its economic prosperity, skilled labor force and strong entrepreneurial ideals. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

Nigeria is unquestionably one of the less traditional expat destinations, however, those who do choose an expat adventure there are often pleasantly surprised, and well compensated financially. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna