The Swiss Government announced last week that the quotas issued annually to nationals of the United Kingdom (UK), European Economic Area (EEA) countries and countries outside the EEA, who seek to apply for short-term and long-term work permits (i.e., L and B Permits), will remain unchanged in 2023. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

More and more people are choosing to call this little country straddling Southwestern Asia and South-eastern Europe home. Bordered to the East by the Caspian Sea and to the North by Greater Caucasus mountain range, it’s easy to see why people are keen to move to this corner of the world. Accede al CONTENIDO completo […]

El Congreso acaba de aprobar la esperada Ley de Fomento del Ecosistema de Empresas Emergentes, más conocida como “Ley de startups”, una norma pionera que supone el primer reglamento específico en Europa orientado a la creación de un ecosistema emprendedor y que tendrá como objetivo prioritario la atracción de talento y capital internacional.   Accede […]

Criminal convictions are a difficult subject to tackle. It is generally assumed that in the days of background and security checks, those possessing convictions would either not enter the corporate workforce or if they do, employers are forewarned and able to pre-empt any issues of the convictions on the future employment. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling […]

Extension of residence rights for certain categories of people in the United Arab Emirates, progressive introduction of an e-visa in Indonesia or clarification of medical certificate applications in New Zealand, find each month our complete article on the latest news and changes in immigration procedures. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Anywr