Organizations in the industrials and manufacturing industry have experienced a vast range of challenges over the last few years, from regulatory change affecting distribution and production, to an intensifying battle to attract and retain essential skills and talent. International people mobility gives this industry the tools to address some of these challenges, by sharing expertise […]

The changing work environment is in focus for the final instalment of this series. In these pages you will find out brave new approaches to: • how Global Mobility teams are inventing remote work policies that satisfy current talent appeal to potential recruits while ensuring that business requirements are met • how flexible pay and […]

In a recent determination overturning an assessment by the Irish Revenue Commissioners, Ireland’s Tax Appeals Commission (Commission) ruled that the cost of stock-based awards (SBAs) should be borne by the US parent company, not its Irish subsidiary; as such, the Irish subsidiary did not need to include the SBAs in its cost base for the […]

Esta guía actualizada simplifica los requisitos y el proceso de solicitud, permitiendo que más individuos calificados contribuyan al crecimiento económico del país. La medida busca atraer talento global y fortalecer la competitividad de EE.UU. en sectores clave. Además, se espera que esta política aumente la diversidad y la innovación en el mercado laboral estadounidense. La […]