Israel is set to introduce a new Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA-IL) system for visa-exempt nationals commencing the 1st August 2024. This change aims to enhance national security by adding an additional screening step for travellers before they arrive at the border. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

The Dutch authorities have recently implemented the revised elements of the EU Blue Card Directive leading to some changes in the Netherlands. Main changes include a minimum employment contract term of 6 months and a maximum validity of the EU Blue card issuance of 5 years. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

«Somos la agencia regional de atracción de inversión extranjera de la Comunidad de Madrid, adscrita a la Consejería de Economía, Hacienda y Empleo. Acompañamos a las empresas en todo su proyecto de inversión en nuestra comunidad, desde que solicita información sobre la apertura de la empresa hasta su instalación y posterior expansión. Atención 360º sin […]

Following the introduction of the revised process to obtain the CPF (tax ID), more involvement is required from applicants who prefer to obtain the CPF prior to travelling to Brazil. In addition to which, longer wait times to receive the CPF are now being experienced. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon