Announced in November 2021, the Australian Government sought to “recognise the contribution of skilled migrants who remained here during the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage them to stay in Australia” by improving access to permanent residency via the Subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) programme. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland Chase

Inflation is surging around the world in developed and emerging economies alike as countries grapple with supply chain issues and rising demand as the threat from the pandemic recedes. On top of this, oil and gas prices, which were already rising, went up further after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. Accede al CONTENIDO […]

New challenges and risks as global businesses compete for talent. Immigration challenges are a growing concern for multinational companies competing for the foreign talent needed today to provide strategic thinking, advanced new skills and the ability to deliver services internationally. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: KPMG

Sun, surf, and an exciting, cosmopolitan experience in one of Australia’s most populous cities: That’s what awaits expats living abroad in Sydney. The capital city of New South Wales, this dynamic metropolis is home to 5.3 million people, roughly 43% of which hail from outside the country. Thanks in no small part to leading industries, […]