Según los datos de coste de vida de Mercer de 2024, Hong Kong, Singapur y Zúrich son actualmente las ciudades más caras para los trabajadores internacionales. Accede a la NOTICIA completa Fuente: Mercer
Diseño politicas de Movilidad
Evento SEMANA IHR PROVIDERS 2025 a la vista!
Evento anual SEMANA IHR PROVIDERS 2025 a la vista, así que, get ready 🙂 En breve estaremos compartiendo contigo la estructura de la 14 edición del más grande de los eventos profesionales sobre DIRECCIÓN & GESTIÓN INTERNACIONAL de PERSONAS, pero por el momento vete bloqueando agenda: El 11 de FEBRERO arrancamos con varios bloques de […]
Contenido IHR Providers: 2024 International People Mobility Report for Industrials and Manufacturing: AON
Organizations in the industrials and manufacturing industry have experienced a vast range of challenges over the last few years, from regulatory change affecting distribution and production, to an intensifying battle to attract and retain essential skills and talent. International people mobility gives this industry the tools to address some of these challenges, by sharing expertise […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Global Mobility: Being brave in the new work environment: KPMG
The changing work environment is in focus for the final instalment of this series. In these pages you will find out brave new approaches to: • how Global Mobility teams are inventing remote work policies that satisfy current talent appeal to potential recruits while ensuring that business requirements are met • how flexible pay and […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Global Mobility: Being brave with technology: KPMG
The smart use of technology is in focus for the second of this series. In these pages you will find out brave new approaches to AI – Make it tangible: How can AI transform your Global Mobility operations? The end-to-end Mobility journey: What’s possible and what’s practical? Cross-border data and maintaining compliance: Do you have […]
Contenido IHR Providers: How Microsoft built a new mobility model for cross-border talent: EY
Professionals from EY and Microsoft challenged old assumptions about workforce mobility, creating a forward-thinking and data-rich platform. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY
Noticia IHR Providers: Supporting Global Workforce Well-being: Sterling Lexicon
With the changing work landscape, employee well-being, particularly for those relocating globally, is more critical than ever. Healthy, engaged expatriates are essential for a thriving, productive business. Accede a la NOTICIA completa Fuente: Sterling Lexicon
Noticia IHR Providers: Three in four businesses failing to manage talent mobility effectively, as demand for international work experience soars: EY
* EY survey shows 75% of employers do not have fully developed mobility functions vital for meeting modern business and talent demands. * Companies could be neglecting a crucial opportunity to retain key talent – 64% say international assignments would encourage them to consider staying in current job. * 71% of firms say mobility risks […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Cutting costs or cutting corners? How tightening GM budgets can backfire in the long run: ECA International
In the current climate, global mobility teams are under pressure to tightly control or cut costs. For many organisations, there are some easy wins and areas ripe for efficiency gains, but not every expenditure saving opportunity is a good fit for every organisation. It’s also crucial to target cuts carefully; sometimes cutting in the wrong […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Trabajo en remoto, ¿sí o no? KPMG
Ya nadie duda de la importancia que en la estrategia de una compañía tienen las personas y su talento. El informe ‘Perspectivas España 2024’, elaborado por KPMG, junto a CEO así lo ponía de manifiesto: un 60% de los encuestados lo incluía entre sus prioridades estratégicas para 2024, y un 62% lo considera un reto […]