While it has some beautiful natural landscapes, Bangladesh remains a developing South Asian country with significant poverty in some areas. Foreign nationals, normally stationed in one of the large cities of Chittagong or Dhaka, will arrive in a land which is drastically different from the Western world. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

The EU legislators aim to promote more transparent and predictable employment, while ensuring labor market adaptability. To reach this goal, the EU directive on transparent and predictable working conditions and its implementation law (“Law”) impose certain information obligations on employers, and also lay down new minimum standards regarding working conditions that have to be guaranteed. […]

A recent legislative amendment in Belgium introduces protection against dismissal and a prohibition of discrimination when an employee is absent due to an infertility treatment or a programme of medically assisted reproduction. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

Datos recientes de la Oficina de Estadísticas Nacionales (ONS) revelan que un tercio de las empresas del Reino Unido están lidiando con escasez de mano de obra, lo que pone de relieve la carrera por el talento en curso . En este panorama altamente competitivo, ofrecer beneficios atractivos a los empleados se ha vuelto más […]

En el contexto del acercamiento y fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales entre México y Brasil, ambos gobiernos han explorado la implementación de nuevas medidas que faciliten la movilidad y la circulación de sus ciudadanas y ciudadanos, de manera segura, ordenada y regular, entre los dos países. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EMS

As the largest country in South America, it’s hard to miss Brazil on a map, and in person it makes just as strong an impression. From the big-city glamor of Rio de Janeiro and the famous shores of Copacabana, to the vast rainforests filled with diverse wildlife, Brazil has something for everyone. It’s not just […]