Once a jewel in the crown of the British Empire, Hong Kong has continued to prosper since it was placed back under China’s rule in 1997. The city is a financial hub, with a thriving economy that’s consistently ranked as one of the world’s freest and most competitive.   Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

Extension of residence rights for certain categories of people in the United Arab Emirates, progressive introduction of an e-visa in Indonesia or clarification of medical certificate applications in New Zealand, find each month our complete article on the latest news and changes in immigration procedures. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Anywr

Antes de llevar a cabo tu mudanza internacional, ¿te has preguntado si son necesarias ciertas vacunas para el extranjero? En la actualidad, las personas se desplazan a otros países por diversas motivaciones, aunque casi siempre es en busca de mejores oportunidades, y casi siempre implican motivos laborales. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Flippers

The Authorization of stay for studies allows you to study a university degree, conduct research, obtain an intermediate degree or higher education in design, art, languages or sports. You can apply for it at the Spanish consular office in your country of origin or directly in Spain. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Duguech & Dip

Beginning on 01 December 2022, renewals filed by applicants whose companies are registered with the Expatriate Services Division (ESD) can now be granted an electronic pass (ePass). The endorsement sticker usually affixed to the foreign national’s passport showing the renewed pass status will now be replaced by the ePass. This change will be applicable to […]