La indemnización por despido satisfecha a un trabajador en el régimen de desplazados a territorio español no está exenta de tributación por el IRPF y, en consecuencia, se sujeta a retención de acuerdo con la normativa reguladora de este régimen especial. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Lefebvre

A land of abundant beauty and natural splendor, Sweden offers mountainous forest terrains, striking fjords and mythical charm. Coastal villages dot its southern regions while the polar north carries a sparse and remote magnificence, blooming beneath a dark sky decorated by the winter’s Northern Lights. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna Healthcare

On 2 May, the Cyprus government implemented several amendments to its policies impacting third-country nationals who seek to become permanent residents based on a qualifying investment. Pursuant to Regulation 6(2) of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations, eligible investors from third countries (i.e., countries outside the EU and EEA) can become permanent residents and bring in […]