From 28 August 2022 2359 hours, all non-fully vaccinated travelers are no longer required to undergo a 7-day SHN and take a Polymerase Chain Reaction COVID-19 test at the end of their SHN period. They are still required to take a Pre-Departure Test within 2 days before departure for Singapore and test negative before departing […]
Recursos Expat
Contenido IHR Providers: Cost of Living Survey Highlights: Eca International
Inflation is surging around the world in developed and emerging economies alike as countries grapple with supply chain issues and rising demand as the threat from the pandemic recedes. On top of this, oil and gas prices, which were already rising, went up further after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. Accede al CONTENIDO […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Reforma migratoria (Ley 4/2000), publicada en el BOE el 27 de julio de 2022: MG International Mobility
Los extranjeros que dispongan de la correspondiente autorización de estancia por estudios, formación, prácticas no laborales o servicios de voluntariado podrán ser autorizados a realizar actividades laborales en instituciones públicas o entidades privadas cuando el empleador, como sujeto legitimado, presente la solicitud de autorización de trabajo. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: MG International Mobility