Upon termination of the employment relationship, employers can reclaim investments made in the training of their employees. However, this is only the case if a reimbursement agreement has been concluded with the employees regarding training costs. A reimbursement agreement must comply with strict legal requirements, whereby even minimal deviations can render it invalid. Below is […]

The Austrian National Council has passed a new legislation implementing the EU Directive on Transparent Working Conditions (Directive EU 2019/1152). The legislation is expected to come into force by the end of March 2024. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie

La sostenibilidad del sistema público de pensiones en España sigue en entredicho. El resto de los países europeos está en una situación similar: el número de pensionistas seguirá aumentando mientras que la base de trabajadores en activo se mantendrá estancada o incluso podría disminuir. Sin embargo, las soluciones adoptadas por cada uno han sido diferentes. […]