Patrocinado por Allianz Worldwide Care & Sterling Lexicon Desde una empresa de IHR FODIRH nos preguntan: «Quería saber  si alguien puede ayudarme con algún contacto/proveedor de servicios para subcontratar a alguien en Japón. Ya tenemos a la persona seleccionada para cubrir la posición (Es un manager, estará debajo directamente de un responsable de área.), y lo que nos […]

Welcome to GoGlobal’s March summary of global regulatory and legislative changes that will impact HR benefits in countries where you do business. Below you will find important, time-sensitive updates related to HR benefits, as well as links for additional information. General Changes Indonesia (Country Guide) Effective March 1st, 2024, there is an increase in Pension Benefit’s […]

The JAPAN eVISA system for short-term tourist visits to Japan, has been extended to foreign nationals residing in 11 countries: Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The eVisa is only meant for short-term tourist visits and does not apply to […]

To attract individuals with highly specialized skills, Japan has created two new entry regimes. The J-Skip visa is aimed at special highly skilled professionals, while the J-Find “system for future creation” visa is designed for recent graduates of highly ranked universities so they may pursue job or entrepreneurship opportunities in Japan. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland […]

Mercer’s 2022 Global Talent Trends Study underscores how winning organizations are tuning into employee needs and values to rethink ways of working, upskilling and well-being for success Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Mercer