Like many employers, you may be struggling to find employees with the skills you need in your own country. But the pandemic has shown, if nothing else, that work can be done from anywhere. So what if you just cast the net wider and found people with the right skillset from other countries to work […]

Our 2022 International Employee Share Plan webinar provided an update on the key developments affecting the launch of global share plans. This year, we focused on trends in the design and implementation of global share plans and highlighted important global developments, including in Australia, Canada, China and the USA; updates to French tax legislation and […]

The Australia/ UK Free Trade Agreement (AUKFTA) will lead to many benefits for both countries not only with regard to businesses being able to trade more freely, but also in terms of the provisions to enable the movement of people between the two countries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

Datos recientes de la Oficina de Estadísticas Nacionales (ONS) revelan que un tercio de las empresas del Reino Unido están lidiando con escasez de mano de obra, lo que pone de relieve la carrera por el talento en curso . En este panorama altamente competitivo, ofrecer beneficios atractivos a los empleados se ha vuelto más […]

Outlined below are the main changes which took effect from 31 January 2024. The amendments are anticipated to be part of a series of measures aimed at creating more flexibility to short-term mobility, with further announcements to come later in the year. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Santa Fe Relocation

Inflation is surging around the world in developed and emerging economies alike as countries grapple with supply chain issues and rising demand as the threat from the pandemic recedes. On top of this, oil and gas prices, which were already rising, went up further after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February. Accede al CONTENIDO […]

New challenges and risks as global businesses compete for talent. Immigration challenges are a growing concern for multinational companies competing for the foreign talent needed today to provide strategic thinking, advanced new skills and the ability to deliver services internationally. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: KPMG