The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced at their Committee of Supply 2022 there would be an update to the requirements for Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass holders from September 1, 2022 to ensure that applicants are of a high caliber and are not being employed at a salary level below the local labour market […]

The Singapore Government has accepted the Tripartite Committee’s 22 recommendations on Workplace Fairness in its final report. The upcoming Workplace Fairness Legislation is expected to be implemented in 2024. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie

Effective 22 February 2022, inbound travelers will be subject to new, simplified quarantine rules, Long-Term Pass Holders (LTPH) will benefit from less onerous entry requirements, and additional Vaccinated Travel Lanes (VTL) will become available to qualifying travelers. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

From 28 August 2022 2359 hours, all non-fully vaccinated travelers are no longer required to undergo a 7-day SHN and take a Polymerase Chain Reaction COVID-19 test at the end of their SHN period. They are still required to take a Pre-Departure Test within 2 days before departure for Singapore and test negative before departing […]

Con la aprobación del Acuerdo suscrito entre el Reino de España y Reino Unido relativo a Gibraltar, el pasado 13 de marzo de 2021, algunas sociedades gibraltareñas, constituidas bajo las leyes de Gibraltar, pasan a tener su residencia fiscal en España a partir del periodo impositivo que comenzó el 14 de marzo de 2021. Esto […]

Solo el 10% de los países han establecido algún tipo de criterio fiscal específico en relación con compensaciones adicionales o la cobertura de costes vinculadas al teletrabajo que las empresas pueden abonar a sus empleados por el hecho de teletrabajar total o parcialmente, a pesar de que muchos estudios estiman que el teletrabajo supone ya […]