Arabia Saudita, que ocupa la mayor parte de la península arábiga, es un país muy rico de Oriente Medio. Como cuna del islam, Arabia Saudita alberga las dos ciudades más sagradas de esta religión: La Meca y Medina. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna Healthcare

Sri Lanka, la perla del océano Índico, es un paraíso para expatriados y jubilados aventureros, con sus antiguas ciudades perdidas, sus frondosos bosques, su espectacular paisaje montañoso y sus impresionantes playas. No hay duda de que los expatriados que se muden a Sri Lanka vivirán una experiencia cultural gratificante. Accede a la NOTICIA completa Fuente: Cigna Healthcare

Regular readers will know we’re generally not fans of emerging economies fixing the value of their currencies. Much better to let them float and adjust according to market sentiment than make them overvalued through rigid controls. The always-interesting Peterson Institute for International Economics has laid out the reasons why fixed exchange rates cause so much […]

Following major declines in the value of currencies in Angola, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia and Zimbabwe this year, August saw another two African currencies take a plunge. Both the Ethiopian birr and the South Sudanese pound effectively lost half their value against the euro over the course of August (see first table below). Accede al CONTENIDO completo […]

The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) on 29 July 2024 announced (in Directive No. FXD/01/2024) (the Directive)a reform of the foreign exchange regime with immediate effect. The reform introduces a competitive, market-based determination of the exchange rate and addresses a long-standing distortion within the Ethiopian economy. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

ECA’s Location Ratings objectively evaluate cities around the world to form an assessment of the overall quality of living for expats, in over 500 locations across the globe. The ranking is based on a variety of liveability factors including availability of health services; housing and utilities; isolation; access to a social network and recreational and […]

Rich in culture and history, Pakistan is a developing South Asian country synonymous with bustling, colorful and chaotic metropolises. Westerners will likely experience some culture shock in Pakistan. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna Healthcare