Expanding into the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region brings opportunities as well as unique challenges, with non-compete agreements making news headlines. For example, the courts in Singapore recently ruled that non-compete clauses are only enforceable if they protect “legitimate business interests.” Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Goglobal

El 10 de enero, el Tribunal de Apelación de Lisboa dictó una importante sentencia en un proceso relativo al reconocimiento del derecho a la remuneración de las horas extraordinarias . En el fallo, el tribunal aclaró cómo deben procesarse las pruebas cuando el empleador no lleva un registro del tiempo de trabajo. Accede al CONTENIDO […]

The EU Pay Transparency Directive introduces the principle of equal pay for work of equal value, in part as a way to bridge the gender pay gap that is still entrenched throughout the EU – even decades after many countries introduced equal pay legislation. Accede a la NOTICIA completa Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

Welcome to GoGlobal’s April summary of global regulatory and legislative changes that will impact HR benefits in countries where you do business. Below you will find important, time-sensitive updates related to HR benefits, as well as links for additional information.   General Changes China (Country Guide) Effective March 2024, for Shanghai, the employer contribution rate for […]