A decisão proferida pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, reconheceu a legitimidade passiva do Ministério Público do Trabalho para compor o polo passivo da Ação Revisional de Ação Civil Pública e determinar o retorno dos autos à origem para julgamento da ação. A Ação Revisional, visava a revisão da decisão proferida nos autos da Ação Civil […]

Following the introduction of the revised process to obtain the CPF (tax ID), more involvement is required from applicants who prefer to obtain the CPF prior to travelling to Brazil. In addition to which, longer wait times to receive the CPF are now being experienced. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

The Labor Department (MTE) has disclosed in its website some clarifications for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the New Equal Pay Law. The publication of the FAQ, which was very anticipated by employers, covers questions ranging from the purpose of the creation of the Law to more specific aspects of the publication of the Salary […]

For expats seeking a vibrant, multicultural place to call home, São Paulo ticks all the boxes. A destination of many accolades—Brazil’s largest city, the biggest city in South America, the center of the Brazilian economy—it’s home to a thriving international community, including members of the Japanese, Arab, and Italian diasporas, offering a warm and welcoming […]