The Framework Agreement concerning cross border telework within the EU/EEA/Switzerland will come into force from 1 July 2023. This agreement is relevant for cross border commuters who regularly telework in their residence country. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

La sostenibilidad del sistema público de pensiones en España sigue en entredicho. El resto de los países europeos está en una situación similar: el número de pensionistas seguirá aumentando mientras que la base de trabajadores en activo se mantendrá estancada o incluso podría disminuir. Sin embargo, las soluciones adoptadas por cada uno han sido diferentes. […]

In particular, starting 1 September 2022, employers will have to send a communication, via an online portal, with the names of the employees and the period in which they will work remotely. It will not be necessary to upload individual agile working agreements. This new law basically confirms the simplified procedure that was in place […]