In the current climate, global mobility teams are under pressure to tightly control or cut costs. For many organisations, there are some easy wins and areas ripe for efficiency gains, but not every expenditure saving opportunity is a good fit for every organisation. It’s also crucial to target cuts carefully; sometimes cutting in the wrong […]
On 2 May, the Cyprus government implemented several amendments to its policies impacting third-country nationals who seek to become permanent residents based on a qualifying investment. Pursuant to Regulation 6(2) of the Aliens and Immigration Regulations, eligible investors from third countries (i.e., countries outside the EU and EEA) can become permanent residents and bring in […]
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) is a hot topic, but does it really have anything to do with Global Mobility? The answer is unequivocally; yes, according to Heather Hughes, HR Mobility Consultant for AGS Relocation. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: AGS Global Solutions
A decisão proferida pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, reconheceu a legitimidade passiva do Ministério Público do Trabalho para compor o polo passivo da Ação Revisional de Ação Civil Pública e determinar o retorno dos autos à origem para julgamento da ação. A Ação Revisional, visava a revisão da decisão proferida nos autos da Ação Civil […]
I – DECISÕES RELEVANTES 1. STF – ADI 6.327 – INÍCIO DO PRAZO DA LICENÇA-MATERNIDADE Julgamento: Na quinta-feira (20/10/2022), em julgamento virtual da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) nº 6.327, o Pleno formou maioria para definir que a contagem da licença-maternidade deve ter início a partir da alta hospitalar da mãe ou do bebê recém-nascido, […]
Advances in technology have enhanced how global mobility programs can be run and managed, augmenting the employee experience throughout the assignment lifecycle. Many employees have learned to embrace technology in their work life, particularly as remote work became the norm during the pandemic. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon
En un entorno laboral que cambia rápidamente, las organizaciones luchan por retener talento de calidad en medio de una fuerza laboral agotada, presupuestos cada vez más reducidos y una economía incierta. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: BTS
A booming economy helped by multinationals diversifying out of China means India is an ex-pat destination in demand. But like most hotspots, you’ll need to be fast, informed, and efficient if you or your teams want live, work and thrive there. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Santa Fe Relocation
Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: International SOS
Una oficina de representación es un establecimiento donde opera una entidad no residente en el cual se realizan actividades auxiliares o preparatorias, como las de de publicidad, promoción o de carácter preparatorio para la entidad extranjera. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: GD Global Mobility