In an effort to ease a tight domestic labor market, and to attract more potential migrants from outside the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA), Iceland has made changes to several work and residence permits. Iceland has increased the period of residency for several types of permit, including… Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland Chase

Una nación de contrastes, Israel está profundamente arraigada en la historia y acelera hacia el futuro. Aunque no es el destino de expatriados más convencional, el país tiene una gran belleza que espera ser descubierta, sin mencionar las abundantes oportunidades para avanzar en su carrera. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

In particular, starting 1 September 2022, employers will have to send a communication, via an online portal, with the names of the employees and the period in which they will work remotely. It will not be necessary to upload individual agile working agreements. This new law basically confirms the simplified procedure that was in place […]