Advances in technology have enhanced how global mobility programs can be run and managed, augmenting the employee experience throughout the assignment lifecycle. Many employees have learned to embrace technology in their work life, particularly as remote work became the norm during the pandemic. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

Known as the “Island of Pearls”, Bahrain is a prosperous island-nation just off the coast of Saudi Arabia. Though it’s the smallest country in the Middle East, the archipelago’s ability to make a lasting impression shouldn’t be underestimated. A strong economy and thriving business environment attract expats from all over the world, and tax-free living […]

A historical and social mishmash that’s difficult to understand but incredible to explore, Egypt is a great expat destination for those who love people, food, different cultures, bustling cities, ancient architecture and beautiful landscapes. Life in Cairo can be exhausting for those unaccustomed Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

* La movilidad geográfica de los trabajadores se ha reducido entre un 50% y un 100% durante la pandemia * 1 de cada 5 compañías encuestadas permite actualmente cierta flexibilidad para “trabajar desde cualquier lugar” * El 63% de las empresas incluye cláusulas de servicios de evacuación y asistencia en su plan de salud internacional […]

El avance de la campaña de vacunación a nivel global y la relajación de las medidas de movilidad internacional, como, por ejemplo, la reciente apertura de fronteras de EEUU para viajeros europeos vacunados, se plantean como factores clave para su reactivación. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sit SPAIN

Are you finding it hard to learn another language? Does it look easy when other people do it? See how polyglots learn languages, how they hone their skills, and what tips they have for anyone learning a new language Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Berlitz

While it has some beautiful natural landscapes, Bangladesh remains a developing South Asian country with significant poverty in some areas. Foreign nationals, normally stationed in one of the large cities of Chittagong or Dhaka, will arrive in a land which is drastically different from the Western world. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna