I – DECISÕES RELEVANTES 1. STF – ADI 6.327 – INÍCIO DO PRAZO DA LICENÇA-MATERNIDADE Julgamento: Na quinta-feira (20/10/2022), em julgamento virtual da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) nº 6.327, o Pleno formou maioria para definir que a contagem da licença-maternidade deve ter início a partir da alta hospitalar da mãe ou do bebê recém-nascido, […]

Advances in technology have enhanced how global mobility programs can be run and managed, augmenting the employee experience throughout the assignment lifecycle. Many employees have learned to embrace technology in their work life, particularly as remote work became the norm during the pandemic. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sterling Lexicon

A booming economy helped by multinationals diversifying out of China means India is an ex-pat destination in demand. But like most hotspots, you’ll need to be fast, informed, and efficient if you or your teams want live, work and thrive there. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Santa Fe Relocation

Employee mobility and international working arrangements have become established tools in talent attraction and incentivization and a key way businesses become and remain competitive within their industries. Employees today have shown that if employers can’t deliver the career development opportunities and lifestyle choices they want — from flexibility in working schedule, hybrid working between the […]

La digitalización, a cualquier nivel, presenta grandes desafíos, ya que implica cambios importantes en lo cultural, porque requiere un giro en la mentalidad y las prácticas de las empresas, todo un reto para compañías con sistemas y procesos establecidos desde hace décadas. En lo relativo a la seguridad de la información, ya que la digitalización […]