As the debate over remote work continues to heat up, with companies grappling over whether to mandate a full return to the office or embrace remote and hybrid models, one point remains clear: remote work is not going away any time soon. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Goglobal

A partir del 31 de marzo de 2024, dejarán de existir controles de personas en las fronteras interiores aéreas y marítimas de la UE entre Bulgaria y Rumanía y los demás países del espacio Schengen. Esta fecha corresponde al cambio de invierno a verano establecido por la Asociación de Transporte Aéreo Internacional (IATA). Tras este […]

Tax regimes vary significantly around the world. Employees in Denmark can expect to spend up to half of their income on taxes, while in Qatar there is no personal income tax at all. Russia applies a flat rate of tax for all residents, while many other countries implement progressive rates based on income Accede al CONTENIDO completo […]