Chile ha anunciado cambios fiscales que entran en vigor a partir del 1 de abril de 2022. La Ley Nº 21.420 del 4 de febrero de 2022 detalla las actualizaciones tributarias relevantes para las empresas que operan en Chile, así como el impuesto a las herencias y donaciones, el impuesto territorial y el impuesto a […]

It’s been two years since COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and in that time, almost 465 million cases have been recorded and more than 6 million people have died, according to official totals on 17th March. It is a certainty that the true numbers are several times higher. […]

A new Labour Law and Executive Regulations in the UAE have introduced wide-ranging changes to employment law, including on part-time and flexible work, contract and termination arrangements, sexual harassment and bullying. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

El trabajo en remoto, combinado con la naturaleza cambiante del trabajo y la tecnología; está alimentando la demanda entre los empresarios de un nuevo tipo de fuerza laboral. Además de las habilidades tradicionales, las empresas de hoy en día también necesitan empleados con la capacidad de manejar sistemas automatizados, relacionarse con los clientes en un […]

On 31 January 2022, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care announced that the government was reviewing its position on requiring Covid-19 vaccination as a condition of deployment in care homes (which had become mandatory in November 2021) and wider health and social care settings (which was due to come into effect from […]