Several times a year, our experts from around the world compile an update on immigration and global mobility practice, setting out recent changes to the laws and regulations in their jurisdictions. Here are the highlights of the February 2024 Immigration and Mobility Update. Accede a la NOTICIA completa Fuente: Sagaroy Abogados

Welcome to GoGlobal’s February summary of global regulatory and legislative changes that will impact HR benefits in countries where you do business. General Changes Brazil Effective January 2024, the Social Security Income Band was increased where the minimum monthly based income is BRL 1,412.00 (previously BRL 1,320.00) and the maximum is BRL 7,786.02 (previously BRL […]

  Germany makes positive changes to its immigration policies, including: A lower salary threshold for the EU Blue Card; Inclusion of IT specialists without a university degree in the eligibility criteria for the Blue Card; Allowing employment in a profession different from the original qualification; Removal of the requirement for individuals on tourist visas to leave […]

Hace algún tiempo que la Unión Europea está trabajando en la creación de un sistema electrónico aduanero homogéneo, para la exportación de mercancías (incluidas las mudanzas de mobiliario y enseres personales) en los países miembros. El pasado 09 de mayo de este año, entró la obligatoriedad de la utilización del nuevo sistema transeuropeo AES (Sistema […]

The Framework Agreement concerning cross border telework within the EU/EEA/Switzerland will come into force from 1 July 2023. This agreement is relevant for cross border commuters who regularly telework in their residence country. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

La sostenibilidad del sistema público de pensiones en España sigue en entredicho. El resto de los países europeos está en una situación similar: el número de pensionistas seguirá aumentando mientras que la base de trabajadores en activo se mantendrá estancada o incluso podría disminuir. Sin embargo, las soluciones adoptadas por cada uno han sido diferentes. […]