La sostenibilidad del sistema público de pensiones en España sigue en entredicho. El resto de los países europeos está en una situación similar: el número de pensionistas seguirá aumentando mientras que la base de trabajadores en activo se mantendrá estancada o incluso podría disminuir. Sin embargo, las soluciones adoptadas por cada uno han sido diferentes. […]

El Consejo y el Parlamento Europeo han llegado a un acuerdo para poner en marcha un proyecto de directiva con el fin de establecer las condiciones de entrada y de residencia de los ciudadanos de terceros países altamente cualificados que vengan a vivir y a trabajar a la Unión Europea. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Gesdocument

An economic powerhouse in Europe, Germany continues to attract highly skilled expats in search of exceptional living standards and international experience in its innovative and exciting high-tech industries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

A new decision by the Federal Labour Court (BAG) includes an important change in the law: On 13 September 2022, Germany’s highest labor court ruled that employers – regardless of the size of the company and the existence of a works council – must record the working hours of their employees (Ref.: 1 ABR 22/21). […]

The government has provided an update regarding travels restrictions and issued a statement that a temporary limitation shall be imposed on carriage of travellers from countries designated as regions with widespread occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 virus variants of concern (referred to as “areas of variant of concern”). The restrictions are currently set to run until March […]

  Germany makes positive changes to its immigration policies, including: A lower salary threshold for the EU Blue Card; Inclusion of IT specialists without a university degree in the eligibility criteria for the Blue Card; Allowing employment in a profession different from the original qualification; Removal of the requirement for individuals on tourist visas to leave […]