Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can help improve work processes, yet they also carry the risks of liability, penalties, and reputational damage. Companies deploying AI must understand their responsibilities and obligations under the current regulatory frameworks within the EU and the anticipated requirements of the EU AI Act. Particularly for the HR department, it is prudent […]

Marruecos es un hermoso país ubicado en la costa noroeste de África que limita tanto con el océano Atlántico como con el mar Mediterráneo. Cuando decide expandirse aquí, debe considerar las distintas opciones de nómina en Marruecos, contratar a las personas empleadas adecuadas y asegurarse de que la nómina cumple todas las leyes que rigen […]

In this edition, we spotlight significant developments such as the EU’s directive on pay transparency, now in effect across all member states. Additionally, we delve into country-specific legislative adjustments, with a special focus on the burgeoning field of AI – particularly highlighted in the Austrian segment, yet offering insights valuable for all jurisdictions. Accede al […]

The employment landscape in the UK is undergoing a significant transformation with the recent implementation of several new regulations in April 2024. These legislative updates not only impact businesses but will also reshape the entitlements and experiences of employees across the nation. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Goglobal

Mediante la Resolución de Sala Plena N° 003-2024-SUNAFIL/TFL, la Sala Plena del Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral de la Sunafil estableció precedentes administrativos de observancia obligatoria referidos al carácter subsanable de las infracciones a las normas de trabajo. En este sentido, desarrolla principalmente lo siguiente: Son subsanables las infracciones cuyos efectos antijurídicos puedan ser reparados en su […]