Foreign organisations that decide to hire employees in Spain often choose to do so using an umbrella company or professional employer organisation to speed up the process before setting up local companies. However, this involves serious liability risks. The legal situation differs in other countries. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

As the world-wide roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations becomes more widespread, organizations looking to protect their workforces and promote business continuity must continue to navigate a fast evolving framework of national protocols and regulatory regimes. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie

It’s the old story: the business wants someone to go on assignment as soon as possible, and the global mobility team find themselves, once again, educating them that things aren’t as simple as buying a flight and sending the person on their way. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Eca International

Mercer’s 2022 Global Talent Trends Study underscores how winning organizations are tuning into employee needs and values to rethink ways of working, upskilling and well-being for success Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Mercer

¿Se puede retener talento al favorecer el desarrollo profesional de tus empleados? Por supuesto que sí. Más de la mitad de los empleados en pymes europeas (un 55%) asegura que lo más importante tras la pandemia es tener oportunidades de desarrollo profesional. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Personio

We have seen a general easing of restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic in many places around the world, including Thailand, and employers have started to call employees to return to the office. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie

La Sala de lo Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) de Honduras ha declarado recientemente inconstitucional la Ley Marco del Sistema de Protección Social (el decreto número 56-2015). Esta inconstitucionalidad conlleva cambios relativos al Régimen de Aportaciones Privadas (o RAP, que es la institución que recauda y administra las aportaciones obrero-patronales para proveer […]