Expanding into the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region brings opportunities as well as unique challenges, with non-compete agreements making news headlines. For example, the courts in Singapore recently ruled that non-compete clauses are only enforceable if they protect “legitimate business interests.” Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Goglobal

El 10 de enero, el Tribunal de Apelación de Lisboa dictó una importante sentencia en un proceso relativo al reconocimiento del derecho a la remuneración de las horas extraordinarias . En el fallo, el tribunal aclaró cómo deben procesarse las pruebas cuando el empleador no lleva un registro del tiempo de trabajo. Accede al CONTENIDO […]

Welcome to GoGlobal’s April summary of global regulatory and legislative changes that will impact HR benefits in countries where you do business. Below you will find important, time-sensitive updates related to HR benefits, as well as links for additional information.   General Changes China (Country Guide) Effective March 2024, for Shanghai, the employer contribution rate for […]

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can help improve work processes, yet they also carry the risks of liability, penalties, and reputational damage. Companies deploying AI must understand their responsibilities and obligations under the current regulatory frameworks within the EU and the anticipated requirements of the EU AI Act. Particularly for the HR department, it is prudent […]

Marruecos es un hermoso país ubicado en la costa noroeste de África que limita tanto con el océano Atlántico como con el mar Mediterráneo. Cuando decide expandirse aquí, debe considerar las distintas opciones de nómina en Marruecos, contratar a las personas empleadas adecuadas y asegurarse de que la nómina cumple todas las leyes que rigen […]