El Consejo de la Unión Europea ha aprobado el 13 de noviembre nueva normativa que permitirá la solicitud de visados para entrar en el espacio Schengen en línea. El espacio Schengen es una zona formada por 27 países de Europa en la que se han eliminado gran parte de los controles interiores, y que no […]
Recursos Expat
Contenido IHR Providers: 7 Ways to Effectively Manage Remote Talent: Newland Chase
In today’s globalized world, the traditional office model is rapidly evolving. The rise of remote work, accelerated by technological advancements and recent global events, has dismantled geographical barriers, allowing companies to harness talent from every corner of the globe. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland Chase
Contenido IHR Providers: Perú: Nuevo Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos (TUPA) – Migraciones: EMS
El 23 de octubre entró en vigencia el Nuevo Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos (TUPA) de Migraciones. Los principales cambios son los siguientes… Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EMS
Contenido IHR Providers: EU Blue Card new rules – Will it work this time? AGS Global Solutions
First introduced by the European Council in 2009, the programme intended to rival to the US Green Card by attracting highly skilled non-EU nationals to work and reside in the EU. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: AGS Global Solutions
Contenido IHR Providers: Perú: Modifican El Decreto Legislativo De Migraciones: Rubio Leguía Normand
Mediante Decreto Legislativo Nº 1582, se modifica el Decreto Legislativo N° 1350, Decreto Legislativo de Migraciones, con la finalidad de fortalecer el marco normativo en materia migratoria. Las principales modificaciones son: i. Se incorpora el principio de soberanía. Conforme con este principio, el Estado ejerce soberanía sobre la integridad de su territorio, sobre los […]
Contenido IHR Providers: United Arab Emirates – Quarterly Update 2023: Newland Chase
Grace period for visitor visa overstay change in guidelines The UAE government has ended its grace period policy for expats and foreign nationals who overstay their visitor visa in Dubai and the ICP has standardised the overstaying fines in the UAE. The immigration authorities in all emirates have discontinued the grace period for foreign visitors […]
Contenido IHR Providers: United Arab Emirates: Immigration 2022 – A Look Back: Newland Chase
The United Arab Emirates have implemented many changes to their immigration regulations, including significant changes to the country’s immigration system by introducing new visas, simplifying the golden visa requirements, announcing the cut-off date to fulfil Emiratization requirements, and unifying the validity of residence permits issued in Mainland and free-zone, etc. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: […]
Contenido IHR Providers: UAE outlines changes to short-term and long-term visa categories: EY
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government has outlined immigration changes to the way in which individuals work and reside in the UAE. These changes, which came into effect on 3 October 2022, include the introduction of new visa categories, as well as relaxed application criteria and additional benefits under the Golden Visa scheme. Accede al […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Doing business in the United Arab Emirates: Baker McKenzie
Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie
Contenido IHR Providers: Portugal: Expat Guide to Portugal: Cigna Healthcare
Beautiful Portugal is an ever-enticing prospect for expats. While there are many who flock to its shores for an idyllic retirement, the country’s job market is quite tough to crack. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna Healthcare