The Austrian National Council has passed a new legislation implementing the EU Directive on Transparent Working Conditions (Directive EU 2019/1152). The legislation is expected to come into force by the end of March 2024. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Baker McKenzie

Pay transparency issues have been on the radar for some time, with employers navigating the patchwork of jurisdictions across the US demanding the disclosure of salary and wage ranges in job ads. So what’s new? Enforcement of these laws is on the rise, and employers have already been hit with fines and citations. Accede al […]

En última instancia, cada negocio gira en torno a su gente y las fusiones y adquisiciones, las escisiones y las escisiones no son una excepción. Pero, ¿qué cuestiones laborales y de datos personales deben tenerse en cuenta al gestionar una transacción corporativa de este tipo y cuáles son los posibles riesgos? Le pedimos a dos […]