Are you prepared for the future of international business? As automation and changing demographics impact labor pools and access to markets, organisations worldwide should be up-to-date on European labor market trends. To combat smaller labor pools, both legislative incentives and educational support are explored to encourage immigration and integration into new regions. In this evolving […]

With its rugged landscapes of volcanoes, sandy beaches and tropical rain forests, as well as its fascinating assortment of wildlife, Costa Rica has become an attractive ecotourism destination. Thanks to its high quality of life and affordable cost of living, not to mention its excellent healthcare system, it has also become especially popular with international […]

En esta Guía de Colombia encontrarás las puertas hacia un viaje, donde se da a conocer lo fantástico de este país, con algunos detalles de sus costumbres, lugares mágicos, personas y su dialecto que los hacen únicos. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY

A land of abundant beauty and natural splendor, Sweden offers mountainous forest terrains, striking fjords and mythical charm. Coastal villages dot its southern regions while the polar north carries a sparse and remote magnificence, blooming beneath a dark sky decorated by the winter’s Northern Lights. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna Healthcare

Vietnam is an exotic and enticing destination, and is becoming increasingly popular with expats. Its fast-paced and exhilarating cities contrast with the untouched interior, where lush mountains meet thousands of miles of tropical beaches. With friendly locals, good weather and low costs, Vietnam can provide expats with a wonderful quality of life. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: […]

Progressive and well-developed, Canada has a history of being warm and welcoming to expats. With its gorgeous and diverse landscapes and modern cities, it’s no wonder that it remains a favorite destination for expats from around the world. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Cigna

Each year International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women and marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality. Women are estimated to make up 40% of the workforce globally, so it follows that companies would seek to have women make up a similar proportion of their globally mobile […]

As the largest country in South America, it’s hard to miss Brazil on a map, and in person it makes just as strong an impression. From the big-city glamor of Rio de Janeiro and the famous shores of Copacabana, to the vast rainforests filled with diverse wildlife, Brazil has something for everyone. It’s not just […]