With its colorful mosaic of cultures and traditions, Malaysia is a fascinating destination. The country’s stable economy, tolerant and welcoming population, and tropical climate have made it a popular choice for expats, who can look forward to a high quality of life and affordable cost of living. Those seeking adventure can head to Malaysia’s lush […]
Recursos Expat
Contenido IHR Providers: Singapore – Local Qualifying Salary Increase: Newland Chase
In its 2024 budget statement, Singapore revealed that a rise in the Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) from SGD 1,400 to SGD 1,600 per month is forthcoming. With effect from July 1, 2024, the adjustment affects the calculation of a firm’s Work Permit and S Pass quota entitlement. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland Chase
Momentos Semana IHR Providers 2024: Stand mejor valorado en el Espacio Presencial del Evento
El stand de FORO NORTE ha sido el mejor valorado por las personas participantes en la parte presencial de la 13 edición de nuestro evento anual Semana IHR Providers 2024. Enhorabuena! Tú también te puedes sumar y likear:) felicitar & compartir esa valoración, en nuestro POST en Linkedin
Contenido IHR Providers: Ventajas de la residencia fiscal en Andorra: Guía completa: BPV Abogados
¿Qué hay que hacer para ser residente fiscal en Andorra y por qué es atractivo? Esta guía ofrece un resumen detallado de los requisitos y el proceso para solicitar la residencia fiscal en este país económica y fiscalmente atractivo. Conozca las ventajas fiscales estratégicas, comprenda las implicaciones en el estilo de vida y los aspectos […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Sistema de Entradas y Salidas (SES): NPS Asociados
«📌Sistema de Entradas y Salidas (SES) ➡El SES será un mecanismo informático que funcionará de forma automatizada con el fin de registrar la entrada y salida de los viajeros de terceros países en las fronteras exteriores del espacio Schengen que se aplicará a las personas que necesiten un visado de estancia de corta duración y […]
Contenido IHR Providers: The Expat Relocation Guide to Sydney: Newland Chase
Sun, surf, and an exciting, cosmopolitan experience in one of Australia’s most populous cities: That’s what awaits expats living abroad in Sydney. The capital city of New South Wales, this dynamic metropolis is home to 5.3 million people, roughly 43% of which hail from outside the country. Thanks in no small part to leading industries, […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Corporate Immigration — Recent and forthcoming changes in the UK Immigration Rules: Santa Fe Relocation
Outlined below are the main changes which took effect from 31 January 2024. The amendments are anticipated to be part of a series of measures aimed at creating more flexibility to short-term mobility, with further announcements to come later in the year. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Santa Fe Relocation
Contenido IHR Providers: China advances toward tax certainty with trial implementation of advance tax rulings: EY
Although the China State Taxation Administration (STA) has yet to issue comprehensive legislation on advance tax rulings at the national level, Anhui, Shenzhen, Nansha of Guangzhou, Nanjing and other regions are already exploring the implementation of advance tax rulings. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY
Contenido IHR Providers: Hungary’s new implementing regulations go into effect as immigration application processing resumes: EY
Effective 1 March 2024, new implementing regulations went into effect in Hungary, and authorities began processing visa and permit applications under the new immigration system following a two-month suspension of immigration application processing. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: EY
Contenido IHR Providers: Switzerland: New national basis for the taxation of teleworking abroad by cross-border commuters: Baker McKenzie
On 1 March 2024, the Swiss Federal Council published the dispatch on the taxation of teleworking in an international context. The new regulations serve as a national basis for the taxation of teleworking by cross-border commuters to ensure the implementation of the new international treaty regulations with France and Italy in Switzerland. These changes will […]