Si hay algo que las empresas deberían priorizar para impulsar una representación de género equilibrada, nuestra investigación muestra que se trata de garantizar la equidad salarial. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Mercer

Referida norma determina a concessão do selo “Empresa Amiga da Mulher” para as empresas que cumprirem ao menos 2 (dois) dos 4 (quatro) requisitos abaixo: I – reservem percentual mínimo de 2% (dois por cento) do quadro de funcionários à contratação de mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica e familiar, garantido o anonimato dessa condição; II […]

Gaining a deeper understanding of the workplace mental health landscape can help guide you as to which next steps are best for your organisation to take to ensure the continued mental health of your employees. Since the global pandemic, trends like the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting dominate screen time across social media channels. What […]

In the dynamic context of recruitment in Africa, artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up exciting new perspectives. While AI is often perceived as an automated tool, it actually acts as a powerful trigger for meetings, co-optation and human relations within the recruitment process. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Anywr

​A Canadian appeals court has held that human rights law requires all those with legal permission to work to be treated equally at the point of hiring, and that imposing an additional requirement of citizenship or permanent residency will amount to unlawful discrimination. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

En la Unión Europea (UE) las mujeres ganan, de media, un 12,7% menos que los hombres. Este dato, que esconde multitud de matices entre sectores y países, refleja una brecha salarial de género difícil de cerrar. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW

Are you prepared for the future of international business? As automation and changing demographics impact labor pools and access to markets, organisations worldwide should be up-to-date on European labor market trends. To combat smaller labor pools, both legislative incentives and educational support are explored to encourage immigration and integration into new regions. In this evolving […]