As multinational companies continue to spread their wings worldwide, transferring employees across international borders is more important than ever. However, in these times where global mobility drives business forward, relocating staff to new countries usually means diving headfirst into a sea of immigration paperwork like work visas, which require thorough background checks on candidates. Accede […]

As a leading professional services firm, KPMG Australia (KPMG) is committed to meeting the requirements of all our stakeholders – not only the organisations we audit and advise but also employees, governments, regulators and the wider community. We strive to contribute to the debate that is shaping the Australian economy and welcome the opportunity to […]

Ampliado el catálogo de ocupaciones de difícil cobertura, que posibilita tramitar la autorización inicial de residencia temporal y trabajo por cuenta ajena dirigida al extranjero. Se reduce la ambición de la propuesta inicial planteada tras la reforma del Reglamento de Extranjería para facilitar el acceso de las empresas a mano de obra extranjera.Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: […]