As of 31 March 2023, the Home Office updated the guidance regarding sponsor duties and compliance, and incorporated additional reporting duties in the “change of work location” category to include remote and hybrid working patterns. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: AGS Global Solutions

To attract individuals with highly specialized skills, Japan has created two new entry regimes. The J-Skip visa is aimed at special highly skilled professionals, while the J-Find “system for future creation” visa is designed for recent graduates of highly ranked universities so they may pursue job or entrepreneurship opportunities in Japan. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Newland […]

Modificación de la Ley 14/2013 de ayuda a los emprendedores y su internacionalización, mediante la Ley 11/2023, de 8 de mayo, de trasposición de Directivas de la Unión Europea en materia de accesibilidad de determinados productos y servicios, migración de personas altamente cualificadas, tributaria y digitalización de actuaciones notariales y registrales; y por la que […]