In the dynamic context of recruitment in Africa, artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up exciting new perspectives. While AI is often perceived as an automated tool, it actually acts as a powerful trigger for meetings, co-optation and human relations within the recruitment process. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Anywr

AI promises to transform the way we create all kinds of content, and is already disrupting the way businesses create and deliver for their clients. But are AI-generated works covered by copyright? And if the works are protected, is it the user, the AI itself, or the creators of the platform who hold the rights? […]

The launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 brought generative AI technology firmly into mainstream consciousness, astonishing us with its ability to generate human-like answers at the click of a button. Its potential is enormous, but how can this technology be harnessed in the world of work? Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy

You may know Patty McCord as the author of Powerful, the 2018 leadership book that, true to its title, powerfully advocated for honesty and transparency in the people business, and for scrapping the concept of best practices. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Jobbatical

El tiempo es un bien preciado. Los equipos de RR.HH. lo saben mejor que nadie, ya que a menudo tienen que gestionar mucho trabajo en periodos muy cortos. Cuando no tienen tiempo para centrarse en su gente, el desgaste aumenta, el compromiso disminuye y los procesos de contratación se ralentizan. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: […]

Efectivamente, la mala noticia es que nuestros datos revelan que el 46 % de los empleados de las pymes europeas quiere buscar un nuevo empleo en los próximos 12 meses. Solo esta cifra ya muestra un cambio muy claro en las necesidades, los deseos y las oportunidades que buscan los mejores talentos hoy en día. […]