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Aspectos Culturales en entornos multipaís
Contenido IHR Providers: 10 Best Practices for Using Preferred or Chosen Names at Work: ADP
Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: ADP
Contenido IHR Providers: Best Practices for Using Pronouns in the Workplace and Everyplace! ADP
Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: ADP
Contenido IHR Providers: Claves de la nueva Directiva europea de transparencia retributiva con el objetivo de cerrar la brecha salarial de género: WTW
En la Unión Europea (UE) las mujeres ganan, de media, un 12,7% menos que los hombres. Este dato, que esconde multitud de matices entre sectores y países, refleja una brecha salarial de género difícil de cerrar. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW
Contenido IHR Providers: The future of International Business: BBi Communication
Are you prepared for the future of international business? As automation and changing demographics impact labor pools and access to markets, organisations worldwide should be up-to-date on European labor market trends. To combat smaller labor pools, both legislative incentives and educational support are explored to encourage immigration and integration into new regions. In this evolving […]
Contenido IHR Providers: Las 8 tendencias que marcarán la agenda de los directores de recursos humanos en 2023: WTW
Los expertos del Thinking Ahead Group (TAG) de RR.HH de WTW creen que centrarse en las personas y el talento al tiempo que se mitigan los riesgos seguirá siendo una ventaja competitiva importante. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW
Contenido IHR Providers: Persiste la dificultad para atraer y retener talento digital en el 93% de las empresas europeas: WTW
Desarrolladores de Ciberseguridad, Data Scientist y Program y Project Managers son los perfiles tecnológicos más demandados… Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW
Contenido IHR Providers: Do organisations need a human rights officer?: Sagardoy (Ius Laboris)
10 December marks the UN’s Human Rights Day. To mark it, we examine the new German legal requirement for organisations to take human rights and environmental issues into account in the supply chain, including by appointing a ‘human rights officer’. What does that role involve? Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados
Contenido IHR Providers: Alemania: German Federal Labour Court on employers duty to record working hours: Baker McKenzie
A new decision by the Federal Labour Court (BAG) includes an important change in the law: On 13 September 2022, Germany’s highest labor court ruled that employers – regardless of the size of the company and the existence of a works council – must record the working hours of their employees (Ref.: 1 ABR 22/21). […]
Contenido IHR Providers: How remote work made interncultural training more important than ever: AGS Global Solutions
Cutting intercultural training seems like an obvious way to save money when global mobility budgets are tight. But in a world where remote work has become the ‘new normal’, what is the true cost of this cost-saving measure? Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: AGS Global Solutions