«Facilitamos el éxito sostenible de organizaciones, equipos y líderes en contextos internacionales, proporcionando soluciones estratégicas que optimizan su presencia y desempeño a nivel global. ¿Cómo lo hacemos? DESARROLLO DE LA COMPETENCIA INTERCULTURAL Formación intercultural Adaptación cultural para International Assignees & Familias Programa de Partner Career Support y Partner Support Programas de desarrollo para CEOs, lideres […]

«Antares joins Anywr Group! Ready to show the world the next generation of international talent management. What do we do? Talent shortage? Get access to a global talent pool all over the world. We’ll find the superstar you are looking for. Make it real Anywork you need. In pursuit of squad flexibility? Match with talent […]

In the dynamic context of recruitment in Africa, artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up exciting new perspectives. While AI is often perceived as an automated tool, it actually acts as a powerful trigger for meetings, co-optation and human relations within the recruitment process. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Anywr

​A Canadian appeals court has held that human rights law requires all those with legal permission to work to be treated equally at the point of hiring, and that imposing an additional requirement of citizenship or permanent residency will amount to unlawful discrimination. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

Los expertos del Thinking Ahead Group (TAG) de RR.HH de WTW creen que centrarse en las personas y el talento al tiempo que se mitigan los riesgos seguirá siendo una ventaja competitiva importante. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW