El índice Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index compara 48 sistemas de pensiones en todo el mundo, destacando los desafíos y las oportunidades dentro de cada uno. Vietnam se ha incorporado este año. Utilizamos datos actualizados de la OCDE y otras agencias internacionales y añadimos algunas preguntas nuevas al subíndice de integridad. Accede al CONTENIDO […]

El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea concluyó recientemente que una disposición de un convenio colectivo sobre el pago de horas extraordinarias potencialmente violaba la prohibición de discriminación contra empleados a tiempo parcial, así como la prohibición de discriminación por motivos de género. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: Sagardoy Abogados

The Pay Transparency Directive must be implemented by all EU member states by 7 June 2026. The measures in the Directive are significant and touch on many aspects of the employment lifecycle. They include pre-employment pay transparency requirements, broad worker and representative rights to workforce pay information. The most significant and onerous requirement is likely […]

Regular readers will know we’re generally not fans of emerging economies fixing the value of their currencies. Much better to let them float and adjust according to market sentiment than make them overvalued through rigid controls. The always-interesting Peterson Institute for International Economics has laid out the reasons why fixed exchange rates cause so much […]

Year-end is quickly approaching and this one is promising to be one for the record books. Election years tend to make for several unsettling months as we await a new administration and Congress. As a result, we won’t see the usual flurry of payroll updates in October through December at the federal level. These likely […]