Are you prepared for the future of international business? As automation and changing demographics impact labor pools and access to markets, organisations worldwide should be up-to-date on European labor market trends. To combat smaller labor pools, both legislative incentives and educational support are explored to encourage immigration and integration into new regions. In this evolving […]

Los expertos del Thinking Ahead Group (TAG) de RR.HH de WTW creen que centrarse en las personas y el talento al tiempo que se mitigan los riesgos seguirá siendo una ventaja competitiva importante. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW

El proceso de internacionalización se ha intensificado en los últimos tres años por una urgente necesidad de compensar la caída de ingresos en España y en los mercados cercanos, mediante el desarrollo de mercados con crecimientos sólidos. Accede al CONTENIDO completo Fuente: WTW

Our 2022 International Employee Share Plan webinar provided an update on the key developments affecting the launch of global share plans. This year, we focused on trends in the design and implementation of global share plans and highlighted important global developments, including in Australia, Canada, China and the USA; updates to French tax legislation and […]